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Tympanum Decoration with Standing Female Figure
Late XIth-early XII century Chành Lô style, Thu Thiên group. Sandstone. H. 71.1 cm, W 33.7 cm,D. 22.9 cm. Norton Simon Art Foundation, Pasadena, CA, M. 1977. 20 b. S.

The similarity of features, posture, headgear treatment, and the size of this female standing figure and one in Fig. 14, suggest that they may have been counterparts on a monument from the Thu Thiên group of the Chành Lô style.

"Some Remarkable Cham sculptures in American Museums" Natasha Eilenberg, Robert L. Brown


Article de "La Lettre de la SACHA" n°6, décember 1999, page 10.

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