Style Du'o'ng Dong, ninth, tenth century. Snapshot on page 20 of catalog

This element of a series of sculptures in a frieze of lions and alternates scenes from the life of Buddha. Between the pilasters, on a cusp field, the lions of the four panels, drawn up on hind legs extremely long, probably indicated the order of scenes, as evidenced by the orientation of the bodies of beasts. These are listed in lotus motifs. Their mouth is wide open, while a pattern adorns their front comu. As for the figurative scenes, it is difficult to reconstruct the whole because of the missing documents, we can still follow its progress from right to left and, for each set of two events, from bottom top each with a distinctive fairly well identified. The set is decorated regularly "pickerel" usual, which operates here as a decoration.
Bibliography: Parmentier 1909: 500, fig. 114; Heffley 1972: 82; Cao Xuan Pho 1988: 49