Catalog produced by the French Association of Friends of the East under the leadership of Leon Vandermeersch and Jean-Pierre Ducrest with the scientific participation of the French School of Far East.
Edition of WAWA, Paris, 1997. 207 pages, 193 illustrations in black and white, 13 color illustrations in the early volumes, 4 maps, 11 plans, one (p. 178, Fig. 1) that shows the route to follow for the visit of the 196 items described but not illustrated. 2 bibliographies, glossary and 32 pen drawings.

This catalog includes:
A list of government and corporate benefactors and scientific participation scientific credits of Mr. Leon Van dermeersch, Former Director of the French School of Far East, honorary president of WAWA, sent to employees project, a Foreword by Mr. Ha Phuoc Mai, Director, Museum of Da Nang, sending his compliments to the authors, and all the experts who, by catalog, embodied the friendship and cultural cooperation between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the French Republic (remember that the book is intended to be offered at the Museum of Da Nang), an Introduction by M. Leon Vandermeersch, recalling the first archaeological work in the field EFEO Cham. He also mentioned the influence of art on Vietnamese art. A brief update on the spelling of place names Cham and Vietnamese.
Ms. Tran Thi Thuy Diem, part Cham Museum in Da Nang, then traces the history of the museum, from its distant beginnings in 1892, citing principles that should govern the establishment of the museum, according to Parmentier. The article is illustrated by a photograph from 1923 of the scholar, and a view of the museum in 1936.
Then Jean-Pierre Ducrest, director of WAWA, discusses the intervention of Dr. Stern to President Nixon for the protection of archaeological sites and the Museum of Da Nang, and shows a map annotated by Mr. Stern indicating to preserve the important monuments.
The Brief History of Campa (pp. 39-55), de. Po Dharma, a research fellow at the EFEO, makes comprehensible the tumultuous and often painful history of Champa. His contribution, which also includes 2 copies of extracts from Royal Archives of Panduranga, and 3 maps, including one from 1686, is followed by a bibliography.
The following important essay, The Art of Champa, is signed, posthumously, by Jean Boisselier, a former member of the EFEO, professor emeritus of Paris III. This masterful 33-page study contains 17 illustrations, 3 beautiful shots and 9 parts (general trends, architecture, sculpture: overview; the beginnings of Indianisation and style of My So'n E 1; Indra pura and Art Du'o'ng Dong; the tenth century, the golden age of Champa and the foundation of Vijaya and the beginning of a decline; style Thap Mam after 1177: the occupation of the Khmer ultimate decadence). These pages scholarly true testament of the great master in the field, intended not only for museum visitors, but also and especially for specialists. They trace the artistic development of the country according to its cham historical progression.
But the bulk of the book is dedicated by Mr. Emmanuel Guillon a detailed analysis of works in the museum under the title Sculpture Camp in Da Nang. (P. 91 to 198). This work was prepared by a ranking prepared by Mr. Boisselier, before he entrusted the task to Mr. Guillon do the job. 100 major works were first visited (pp. 91-174) in 5 major steps (the first images, and the Buddhist sculptures of the ninth and tenth centuries and styles My So'n A 1, tenth and eleventh centuries, the style of Thap Mam (or Binh Dinh) and its extensions; past schools).

Elephant, My style So'n A1, tenth century, the Museum ... p. 140, licked Tettoni - WAWA.
Most illustrations have been published by H. Parmentier, J. Boisselier and others, but included only brief captions. The undeniable value of those of the book, enhanced by excellent photographs of Mr. Luca Invernezzi Tettoni lies in the detailed description or historical sculptures. They end with several examples that provide valuable clues for the identification of suspicious documents, and reproduction of 3 parts stolen in the past 10 years.
Completing the inventory, description of 196 objects is not shown with a plan indicating the route to follow. Following a glossary which includes 32 drawings in pen, 2 schematic plans, containing all the works listed in the museum, bring to a close the volume.

Miracle of the hunchback Trivakra, Tra Kieu Pedestal, tenth century, the Museum ... p. 125, Tettoni cliché - WAWA
When he returned from Vietnam in 1992, Mr. Boisselier told me he had agreed to write the catalog of the Museum of Da Nang, I immediately seized on the moment the full extent of the business or the gap she would fill.